Vendor Section

Our Vendor Section provides friendly and courteous services to the citizens of West Virginia, vendors in-state and out-of-state, and all State agencies.  Responsibilities include administration of the statewide vendor file, and a thorough knowledge of the Internal Revenue Code for completion of IRS Forms W8, W9, and 1099.

Mail, fax, or email forms to:​

Finance Division

Attention: Vendor Section

Post Office Box 50121​

Charleston, WV 25305-0121 

Phone:  304-414-9045

Fax 304.558.9173



Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Payments


All vendors doing business with the State of West Virginia are urged to sign up for EFT. 

Click here for the eVendor Agreement (Setup) form. If you have questions, contact the West Virginia State Auditor’s Office, ePayments Division, at 800-500-4079.


You may fax the form along with your supporting account documentation to 304.340.5084 or mail it to:


West Virginia State Auditor’s Office

ePayments Division

State Capitol, Bldg. 1, Room W-100

1900 Kanawha Blvd. E.

Charleston, WV  25305