Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

The Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) strives to provide valid financial information to citizens, decision-makers, and other interested parties to allow for sound financial decision-making.  Reports prepared by our office include the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Single Audit, and Statewide Cost Allocation Plan (SWCAP).
Please contact FARS staff if you have any questions at 304.558.4083 or Fax at 304.558.4084

Stephanie Bailes, ext. 49060

Betsy Chapman, ext. 49072

Cheryl Garner, ext. 49042

Karla Harris, ext. 49063

Renee King, ext. 49066​

Matt Reynolds, ext. 49069 

Robert Tanner, ext. 49070

Timothy Scites, ext. 49047

Corey Wade, ext. 49067​

Kay Walden, ext. 49062​​

Maria Yoakum, ext. 49071

Single Audit:
Betsy Chapman, ext. 49072


Kay Walden, ext. 49062



For Closing Book Process Forms, please click HERE.