Frequently Asked Questions


1099 Questions:

What report can I run to review 1099 reporting information for the agency?
WV-FIN-AP-028-Agency 1099 Report – this report displays detailed information related to the
1099 process. The report is used by all departments and located in Business Intelligence. 
What happens if a vendor notifies an agency during the calendar year that their name or
TIN has changed? 
The Finance Division will need an updated IRS Form W 9.  From there we can make the
necessary updates and ensure their 1099 is reflected correctly. 
When does 1099 processing begin for State Agencies?
Correspondence will be emailed out starting each December.  The BI report will be available for
use at the beginning of January, but specific details will be given in December on dates. 
What happens if I receive a returned 1099?
Please mail the returned 1099 to:
2101 Washington Street East
Building 17
Charleston, WV 25305
Does the Department of Administration issue 1099s to PCARD vendors?
No, the Department of Administration does not issue 1099s to PCARD vendors.  The PCARD
issuer would be responsible for the vendor’s 1099s

Vendor Questions:

When is a W-9 Required?
A W-9 is required for any new vendor registration, other than an active employee. A W-9 is also
required for any Legal Name, TIN, or Tax Classification modification. 

Do W-9s expire?
No. IRS Form W-9s do not expire, nor do they need to be refreshed. If an IRS Form W-9 is on
file with us, it is valid indefinitely. 

Do W-8s expire?
Yes. IRS Form W-8s do expire. They are valid beginning on the date the form is signed by the
client and expires on December 31 of the third succeeding year.

What is required for an additional address or modification in wvOASIS?
If we currently have an IRS Form W-9 on file, any new payment address modification will
require documentation such as an invoice or letter with company letterhead signed by an officer
or a qualified agent of the company, etc.

Where can I submit my W-9, W-8, or other documentation?
This documentation can be submitted to or faxed to 304-558-9173. DO
NOT submit any sensitive information that includes information such as a Social Security
Number or Banking Information via email. Please submit such documentation via fax or mail to
2101 Washington St. East, Charleston, WV 25305

How do I pay or renew my vendor registration fee?
To pay or renew your vendor registration fee, contact the WV Purchasing Division at 304-558-

I have a Vendor Compliance Hold on my account, who do I contact?
For these payment holds, please contact the following:
Tax Clearance   WV State Tax Department: 304-558-3333
Unemployment Insurance Workforce West Virginia: 304-558-2451
Worker’s Compensation  WV Insurance Commission: 304-558-3386
Secretary of State Registration   WV Secretary of State: 304-558-8000

Shared Services Questions:

What services do the Shared Services Section provide to other agencies?
The services provided are general financial accounting, payroll, accounts receivable and
accounts payable. You can utilize one or more of the services offered.

How does an agency utilize the services of the Shared Services Section?
Any agency seeking accounting and financial reporting services may voluntarily request an
agreement (MOU) for the provision of accounting and financial reporting services. The
agreement specifies what services you would like to utilize.

How would utilizing the services of the Shared Services Section benefit my agency?
The benefits of utilizing the services of the Shared Services Section would be in the form of cost
savings and efficient use of time. If your agency has a need for the services provided but does
not have the staff or the funding to hire additional staff, the Shared Services Section can provide
the services for your agency. Not having to hire additional staff will be a cost savings for the
agency, while taking the burden off current staff will leave significant time for the agencies more
pressing duties.

How do I submit a request/invoice to Shared Services? 
All requests are sent to shared services via email or call 304-558-
6181 or Shelia Gray directly at 304-414-9080.

How can I access paid invoices for my agency?  
Your Agency can search OASIS Financial by Department or you can access  Welcome to
VISTA  and search pending and final payments by Vendor or Agency Name. 

FARS Questions:

When are forms for the new fiscal year available on the website?
Closing book forms are available to be downloaded by state agencies by June 30 every fiscal

When are the closing book forms due to FARS?
For unaudited agencies, closing book forms are due July 31. For audited agencies, closing
book forms are due with the financial statement draft by September 15.

When are financial statements due to FARS?
Draft financial statements are due to FARS on September 15. Final financial statements are due
October 15 for all agencies and institutions and the consolidated Higher Education financial
statements are due October 31.

When is SEFA information due to FARS?
All SEFA information must be entered into the SEFA application by July 31.

Payroll Questions:

Where can I find my pay stub or W2? 
State of West Virginia employees may access pay stubs and W-2s through Employee Self Service
(ESS) on myApps. If an employee does not have access or needs assistance with login, the
employee should contact the WVSAO help desk at 304-340-4850 or

How do I enroll in or make changes to my benefits plan?
To enroll for PEIA insurance, you can go online to Manage My Benefits. It'​s easier, faster and
leads to fewer mistakes than printing a form and sending it to PEIA. Full instructions can be
found here. Mountaineer Flexible Benefit changes will require a paper form which can be
provided by your Payroll department. NOTE:  PEIA and FBMC (Mountaineer Flexible Benefits)
do not share information, so all changes must be made with both PEIA and FBMC. 

How do I change my direct deposit account if I change my account or financial
Do not close your old account until you have received payment in the new account. This will
help prevent a delay in receiving your pay. You must complete a Payroll Direct Deposit Change
form and submit it to your Payroll Department with a backup from the financial institution to
verify the account. 

I have a new home mailing address. Who do I notify? 
Employees must notify their HR/Payroll Department anytime they have a name or address

I recently changed my name. How do I get it changed in OASIS for payroll and benefits?  
Employees must notify their HR/Payroll Department.  Name changes in OASIS require a valid
driver's license and a signed Social Security Card with the name. Any forms needed will be
provided following the notification of the change.   

How do I apply for a leave donation?
How do I know if I qualify for a leave donation?

How do I donate leave to another employee?

I have been injured while at work, what is the process to receive workers compensation

What is FMLA/PLA and how does it work?

What forms do I use to apply for FMLA/PLA?

What leave forms do I need to use for annual or sick leave?​

How do I prepare for retirement?​
